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May 9, 2011
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Last Updated: 2011/5/12
Meeting:        Salem Licensing Board held Monday, May 9, 2011 at 6:00 pm in the third floor conference room, 120 Washington Street. Present were members: Robert St. Pierre, chairman, members Rick Lee and John Casey, Investigator for the Board, Lt. Ouellette and Melissa Pagliaro, Clerk.
Approved:       Application for a Street Performers License. Applicant: Jonathan Smigliano.
        Mr. St. Pierre asked what he performed.
        Mr. Smigliano said he performs classical and folk music and would like a Street Performers License.  
        Mr. Casey asked if he has performed in Salem before.
Mr. Smigliano said he has not professionally.
Mr. Casey went over the rules. He said the hours for performing are from 10am – 8pm, no passing anything for tips but he can have a case or something stationary, there is no amplification and if someone from the board or other official from the City ask him to relocate he must do so.  
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve.
        Mr. Lee seconded. Mr. St. Pierre said all were in favor. Motion carries.        

Approved:       Application for a Street Performers License. Applicant: Paul Harty.
        Mr. St. Pierre asked what he performed.
        Mr. Harty sad he sings and plays the guitar and fiddle.
        Mr. Casey asked if there was any amplification.
        Mr. Harty said no.      
        Mr. Casey asked if he knew what the rules for performing are.
        Mr. Harty said he did and he heard him with the last applicant and that he would only probably be here on the weekends.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve upon the BOP being completed.
        Mr. Lee seconded. Mr. St. Pierre said all were in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:       Application for (3) three One Day Liquor License. Applicant: Richard Thompson, Executive Administrator, Historic Salem.         
        Mr. Casey said that first off because they are a 501-3c the LB will return to him the checks for the application fees.  
        Mr. Thompson said that the first event is the Annual meeting for about 150 people.
        Mr. Casey asked if they have their insurance and who would be doing the pouring.
        Mr. Thompson said it will be beer and wine only and no one under 21 will be present. He said the event will only be for a short period of time. He said the distributors will pour.
        Mr. Lee asked about a police detail.
        Mr. Thompson said they do not need one because it is on Federal property.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve.
        Mr. Lee seconded. Mr. St. Pierre said all were in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:       Application for (3) three One Day Liquor License. Applicant: Richard Thompson, Executive Administrator, Historic Salem.         
        Mr. Thompson said that the second event is a new event and is a thank you for the Board members and volunteers.
        Mr. Casey asked who is pouring. 
        Mr. Thompson said the Hawthorne.
        Mr. Lee asked about a police detail.
        Mr. Thompson said they do not need one because it is on Federal property.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve.
        Mr. Lee seconded. Mr. St. Pierre said all were in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:       Application for (3) three One Day Liquor License. Applicant: Richard Thompson, Executive Administrator, Historic Salem.         
        Mr. Thompson said that the third event is a fundraiser to be held on the Friendship and is limited to about 100 people. He said that two Salem wine vendors. Market Spirits and Salem Wine Imports will be pouring.  
        Mr. Casey asked who is pouring. 
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve.
        Mr. Lee seconded. Mr. St. Pierre said all were in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:       Application for One Day Liquor License. Application: Salem State College University. Present: Jannell Fredrickson, Alumni Affairs.      
Mr. St. Pierre asked what the event was about.
        Ms. Fredrickson said that it is for the Annual Alumni Event.  She said it is for the after party on June 4th. She said she has the insurance certificate.
        Mr. St. Pierre said that this is an annual event for them.
        Mr. Casey asked about a detail officer.
        Ms. Fredrickson said they have their own police but that they still have to hire a detail because they are selling alcohol. She said once the application is approved she will arrange for a detail officer.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve and waive the application fee.
        Mr. Lee seconded. Mr. St. Pierre said all were in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:       Application for an Entertainment License. Applicant: Salem Chamber of Commerce. Applicant: Rinus Oosthek.
        Mr. Oosthek said that this is for and Entertainment License for old Town hall for the Energy Fair. He said a number of City groups will be involved in this event as well. He said there will be a full day of events from 10am-3pm in and around Town Hall. He said that the radio station 92.5 will be there as well as other entertainment.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve.
Mr. Lee seconded. Mr. St. Pierre said all were in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:       Application for an Entertainment License. Applicant: Matt Caruso and Cali Lipton. Present: same
Mr. Caruso said that Cali Lipton has worked with him over the years. HE said this is for a first time Holistic Festival that they hope to make an annual event. He said it will be held on the common from 11-am-7pm. with Cali’s band the Deja’s playing in the gazebo.
Ms. Lipton said that it is very soft, peaceful music. He said there will be massages, yoga demonstrations, live paintings and reiki. He said it is a family event and there will be activities for kids from 11am – 7pm.
Mr. Caruso said the “exhibitors” will not be charges anything but that they will be assessed an exhibitors fee to cover costs.
Mr. Casey asked if this is intended to be an annual event.
Mr. Caruso said they would like it to be.
Mr. Casey asked about amplification.
Mr. Caruso said that the music is very soft and relaxing.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve.
        Mr. Lee seconded. Mr. St. Pierre said all were in favor. Motion carries.

Discussion:     Strega. Present: Linda Cappuccio.
        Mr. Casey said he sent an email to the LB earlier today that if there is nothing new to update that Ms Cappuccio should come in a t the next meeting to inform the Board.
        Ms. Cappuccio said that she is waiting on the buyer’s bank approval.
        Mr. Casey said that at the last meeting Ms. Cappuccio said that if the deal fell through that she would re open.
        Ms. Cappuccio said she planned on doing that. She said she has to put things back together and hire a staff.  
        Mr. Casey said the next meeting is on June13 and that she should plan on updating the Board.
        Ms. Cappuccio said that she would let the LB know before then.
Hearing:        Exchange on Congress. Present: Ernest Corbin, Owner and Andrew Corbin, Manager.
        Ernest Corbin said that he apologizes to the LB but that he has been quite ill for some time now. He said he cannot do the business anymore and the best thing to do is to sell it. He said the potential new owner also owns a pizza place in Salem as well.   
        Mr. St. Pierre asked if Mr. Corbin signed all appropriate paperwork so that the license could successfully be transferred.
        Mr. Casey asked if we could have a current address for Mr. Corbin in case there are any issues with the transfer.
        Mr. Corbin gave us his current address for the file.
        Mr. Costanzo, the buyer was present along with the building owner’s attorney.
        Lt. Ouellette said the restaurant was open last week and asked who is running it He noted that the current manager on record has to be there until a transfer is complete.
        Mr. Casey said the Manger does have to be there at least 40 hrs a week but that the Board did allow the opening.
        Ms. Pagliaro said that Mr. Costanzo could come in with his paperwork so they can work on getting the process started.   

Vote:   Mr. Casey motioned to change scheduled May 23rd meeting to a Special meeting on May 26 at 4pm for the purpose on voting on the Ben & Jerry’s C/V application.

Vote:   Mr. Casey motioned to change the next scheduled meeting of May 23rd and incorporate it into a regular scheduled meeting to be held on June 13, 2011. Also the LB will only hold one scheduled meeting for the months of June, July and August.
        Mr. Lee seconded. Mr. St. Pierre said all were in favor. Motion carries.

ications:       NONE    

Business:       NEW:    
Mr. Lee said that he and Lt. Ouellette went out on two different nights to investigate complaints at Murphy’s on Derby Street and The Lobster Shanty on Front Street and to all so a general check of the other establishments in the B5 area. He said he wrote two reports that outline their observations and recommendations. These reports, dated May 5th were from investigations held on April 29, 2011 and May 5, 2011 will be filed in the Licensing Department with these minutes.
The reports outlined what Mr. Lee and Lt. Ouellette witnessed and recommend to establishments managers.
The report also talks about an incident at around 1:15 am out front of O’ Neill’s on Washington Street. As a result of that incident, it was discovered that Café Kushko, which hold s a C/V license and only has permission under that license to be open until 11pm was still open at 1:15. Lt. Ouellette and Mr. Lee attempted to speak with the owner’s girlfriend who was rude to them. They informed her that the owner would be called in for a hearing.
Mr., St. Pierre also requested that Ms. Pagliaro send the reports to Ward Councilor McCarthy, Derby Lofts Assoc., Marlene Faust, Lale Lewis and Chief Tucker, Salem Police, highlighting the recommendation of extra patrol during summer months.  
Mr. Casey motioned to accept reports.
Mr. Lee seconded. Mr. St. Pierre said all were in favor. Motion carries.

Mr. Casey also motioned to call Cafe Kushko in for a Hearing on June 13 for staying open past the allowed hours.
Mr. Casey motioned to approve a Hearing.
Mr. Lee seconded. Mr. St. Pierre said all were in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:       Meeting minutes from April 25, 2011 meeting     
        Mr. Lee motioned to approve
        Mr. Casey seconded.
ment:   Mr. Lee motioned to adjourn
        Mr. Casey seconded. All in favor

Respectfully Submitted,

Melissa Pagliaro
Clerk of the Board
Submitted: May 12, 2011
Approved:  , 2011